Digital Information Competency       
Criterion   10 Exceed expectations 9-8Meet expectations 7-6Below expectations 5-4
Collaborative Learning Skills       
Making personal notes       
Focus and commitment to task       
Organisational effort put in       
Asking questions & listening to others       
Coming up with new ideas & knowledge       
Time Management       
Preparedness of materials       
Taking responsibility quality final result        
Information skills       
Research Plan       
Designs a clear collaborative research plan and executes an effective search strategy       
Research Question       
Formulates a clear, specific, logical research question, problem, issue or hypothesis with key concepts and terms related to the RQ.       
Finding, organizing, analysing and evaluating information       
Identifies and uses extensive sources and formats (books, periodicals, multimedia resources)       
Makes use of previous search results to broaden, narrow or redirect sources       
Evaluates retrieved information according to the criteria of authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency and coverage       
Has used library catalogs, online databases and internet search engines       
Has organized information logically enabling sound discussion       
Can analyse new and / or abstract data without guidance using techniques appropriate to the topic       
Understanding ethical and legal issues surrounding information and information technology       
Distinguishes prejudice, deception, or manipulation in retrieved materials       
Explains in own words the concepts of plagiarism, copyright & authority       
Incorporates ideas from studied work properly       
Acknowledges the sources of information correctly using a citation format appropriate for the discipline (English MLA)       
Paraphrases, summarises and quotes properly. Mentions sources, citing & referencing       
Can critically review evidence supporting conclusions including reliability, validity and significance of these.       
With minimum guidance can transform abstract data and concepts towards a given purpose and can design novel solutions.       
Analytical and clear conclusions well grounded in theory and literature showing development of new concepts.       
Academic Writing Skills exten-
Use of academic vocabulary       
Use of nominalisations       
Use of grammar and syntax       
Use of punctuation       
Correct spelling       
Structuring paragraphs       
Explanatory strategies       
Constantly demonstrates application of critical analysis well integrated in the text       
Using an objective voice       
Using descriptive language       
Using persuasive devices       
Academic Speaking Skills       
Exploring a topic       
Expressing Ideas       
Informing your peers       
Taking turns       
Asking questions       
Using politeness in tone       
Lowering your voice at all times