There are 3 ways to go about doing this project:

  1. Creating your own future scenario.
  2. Reflecting on an existing future scenario created by students in another country
  3. Reflecting on an existing future scenario created by Smithsonian author Stephan Talty.

There are 6 steps to develop scenarios

Step 1: Deciding the key-question for the scenarios

Step 2: Identifying the fields of change (environmental, cultural diversity, constant change, wish for continual improvement and enhancement)

Step 3: Selecting the most important fields of change.

Step 4: choose wihtin the trends of Individualism, social coherence, pragmatism, idealism.

Step 5: Identifying the scenarios to be developed

Step 6: Describing the scenarios and bringing them to life

And yes, you get to be creative so this project is simply wildly BEYOND HUMAN! AnalyticAlpha anticipates trends in Dutch science communication education by having set up “Project Futurables” at the crossroads of Literature (Art), Science & Technology for Dutch students of English year 5 Vwo or US K11, or ACARA Year 10, at English CEFR-level B2 –> C1. This is a global project. Do you want to join with your class? Contact the site owner.

Group Task: create a ‘Futurable’: a future scenario. 

Hang on… a what?  

The purpose of this course is to envision yourself in the future. The year is 2050. Envision Humanity 2.0. Smarter, fitter, better? You are not alone there. How will you interact with the other group members who are there as well?  

First, watch the video human condition in the future.  

Then, form a group of 4. Read and listen to or view as many sources as you can (a minimum of 2 assigned articles and 1 assigned audio-video file each). These sources were created by future scenario experts who can be scientists, authors or artists. All future scenarios groups have a different theme. All themes are about technological change. All groups work in Scrum Methodology using Trello to create Scrum Boards


Scrum 1: Data Science 

Scrum 2:   Artificial Intelligence 

Scrum 3:   Deep Fake Video 

Scrum 4:   Digital Footprint Legacy 

Scrum 5:   Talking to Robots 

Scrum 6:   Privacy & Security 

Scrum 7:   Social Credit System 

Scrum 8:   Hybrid Education 

Scrum 9:   Algorithms 

Scrum 10: Biting into Blockchain 

Scrum 11: Perfect Destruction 

Scrum 12: Cloning 

Scrum 13: Copyright, Fair Policies & Ethical Behaviour

Scrum 14: Topic of Choice –> first propose to your teacher 

Within your theme, think of a good research question, and submit to your teacher.

Many ‘futurables‘ will make ‘a fan of possible futures’*. In the end we will have shared meaningful insights and created meaningful discussions about everyone’s role and responsibility in the way the future develops as a result of technology.  *De Jouvenel, 1967 in Malaska and Virtanen, 2005 pg 12 

Students can become more digital information literate. Teachers can learn about the latest technological developments along the way.


  1. Fill in the Big6 Steps of the Inquiry Process
  2. By Group Scrum Approach in the Inquiry Phase: do –> doing –> done –> stand-up 
  3. Take the 7 steps of information literacy in note-taking of academic sources. Collect quotes and share them in your group. Learn academic language along the way. Then create your final product: a Future Scenario. This future scenario takes on the form of a visual interactive product which you embed in a group speech. Finally, your task is to deliver your collaborative Future Scenario Speech on the Post-Human Condition with yourselves as the main personas. After having seen all of the speeches, each individual student writes a process & reflection report to give evidence of your learning. 


Watch Video 

This project draws upon Wikiversity and works with Mr Leland Beaumont, US: ©