Sheldon Smith recorded great podcasts on the academic skills.

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Skimming is one way to read a text quickly. This podcast, part of the reading skills series, looks at what skimming is and which parts of the text are needed for skimming. Listen now

Surveying a text
Surveying is another way to read a text quickly. The aim is to take a broad look at a text to decide whether it is worth reading more closely. This podcast, part of the reading skills series, explains in more detail what surveying is and which parts of the text are needed. Listen now

Building vocabulary
Although English vocabulary study can seem overwhelming at times, it can be made more systematic by considering prefixes, suffixes and word roots, which are a useful way to build vocabulary. This podcast explains what these terms mean and gives reasons to study them. Some common prefixes, suffixes and roots are given in later podcasts. Listen now

Learning Styles
Different learners have different preferences about how they understand, organise, and remember new information. This podcast, part of the Study Skills series, introduces some of the main learning styles (including Kolb, the Honey & Mumford, the VAK model and the Dunn & Dunn model) and gives ideas about how learning styles could improve study. Listen now