Below a teacher can find formats of both a CEFR C1 Reflective Journal and a CEFR B2 Reflective Journal.

Reflective thinking refers to the process of critically examining and analysing information by others, and comparing this information to one’s own thoughts, experiences, actions, and beliefs in order to gain deeper insights and understanding. It entails examining the reasons behind (textual) decisions, evaluating their meaning and consequences and outcomes to inform future actions by critical sense-making. Reflective thinking encourages self-awareness, introspection, and personal growth by encouraging individuals to question assumptions, recognise patterns, and make meaningful connections between different elements to enhance one’s knowledge and perspective. Reflective thinking empowers individuals to learn from their past experiences and apply their newfound knowledge of concepts creatively in real-life contexts.

Reflective Journal: Exploring Stories Through Close Reading CEFR C1

Navigating Literature and Personal Connection

Here your JOURNEY starts from encountering a literary work to internalising and applying meaningful knowledge from the literary work:

J – Jolt your curiosity and Jumpstart your interest in the novel’s themes and context.

O – Open your imagination to the possibilities the story holds and Organise your thoughts about its potential impact.

U – Unearth your initial impressions and Undertake the exploration of the text’s elements.

R – Read closely and Reflect on the nuances, characters, and themes.

N – Navigate through the literary techniques and Note the deeper meanings and connections.

E – Explain your insights and interpretations, and Engage in discussions about them.

Y – Yield personal connections and Yield broader lessons from the text.


Dear Student,

Welcome to your reflective journal, a captivating voyage into the world of literature and personal exploration. Together, we will embark on a journey that allows you to delve into the heart of a literary work while reflecting on its resonance in your own life. Just as an artist weaves intricate threads to create a masterpiece, you will navigate through the tapestry of words and ideas, connecting them to your experiences and perspectives. As we journey together, you will discover how literature can shape your understanding of the world and contribute to your own growth.

In this reflective journal, we will explore the dynamic relationship between literature and personal connection. As you respond to the prompts, I encourage you to use formal English, the present tenses, and a structured approach, enhancing your insights by answering through the following format:

Answer in a Point-Example-Explain-Link Paragraph: Begin by directly addressing the question, succinctly conveying your main point.

Example: Proceed by selecting a specific portion of the text that aligns with your point. Provide a direct quotation or paraphrase.

Explain: Elaborate on your choice, delving into the significance of the chosen excerpt. Articulate its implications and discuss its connection to overarching themes, characters, or the context of the work.

Link: Finally, establish connections between your selected example and the context of creation, then the context of interpretation: your own experiences or perspectives (or: your peers). How does the text relate to your personal journey, values, or understanding of the world?

Personal Reflections: Bridging Text and Experience:

As you engage with this reflective journal, I encourage you to consider your own life journey and the ways in which literature can shape your understanding of yourself and the world around you. Here are some questions to guide your personal reflections:

1. Personal Growth and Transformation:

Think about a character’s journey in the text. Have you ever experienced a moment of personal growth or transformation similar to theirs? How did that experience shape your perspective?

2. Identity and Belonging:

Many literary works explore themes of identity and belonging. Have you ever grappled with questions about your own identity or where you fit in? How does the text’s exploration of these themes resonate with your own experiences?

3. Moral Dilemmas and Decision-Making:

Characters often face difficult choices and moral dilemmas. Can you recall a situation where you had to make a tough decision that challenged your values? How does the text’s portrayal of moral complexities align with your own reflections?

4. Relationships and Connections:

Literature often delves into the intricacies of relationships. Have you encountered moments in your life that mirror the dynamics between characters? How does the text’s exploration of relationships offer insights into your own interactions?

5. Social Issues and Empathy:

Literary works sometimes address social issues that reflect real-world challenges. Have you ever been moved by a character’s struggle that mirrors a societal issue? How does the text deepen your empathy and understanding of these challenges?

Section 1: Opening of the Novel

Our journey begins with a focus on the opening lines of the novel. As you immerse yourself in the initial pages, consider:

Textual Explorations, Analysis & Interpretation:

What tone or mood do the opening lines establish? How does this set the stage for the rest of the narrative?

Analyse the setting and its significance. How does the author’s description of the environment contribute to your understanding of the story’s context and themes?

Identify any symbols or imagery in the opening. How might these symbols foreshadow or represent deeper layers of the narrative?

Personal Connections & Introspection:

Transitioning to the characters within the narrative, reflect on their traits, motivations, and arcs:

How do the characters introduced in the opening resonate with your own experiences or observations? Are there any traits that remind you of people you know or situations you have encountered?

Explain the significance of these initial character interactions. How do they hint at the relationships and conflicts that will unfold in the story?

Link your personal experiences or observations to the characters and their initial impressions. How does your understanding of character dynamics enrich your engagement with the text?

Section 2: Characters and Themes

Continuing our journey, we delve deeper into the characters and themes that shape the narrative:

Textual Explorations, Analysis & Interpretation:

Choose a character whose journey intrigues you. What traits, actions, or decisions define this character’s role in the story?

Explore the themes that emerge through the character’s experiences. How do their personal challenges and growth contribute to the exploration of these themes?

Analyse the relationships between characters and how they reflect broader societal dynamics or universal human experiences.

Personal Connections & Introspection:

As we approach the culmination of our exploration, contemplate the lessons and insights you derive from the text:

Reflect on a lesson or message that you believe the author intends to convey. How does this lesson apply to your own life circumstances or values?

Explain the context within the narrative that highlights this lesson or message. What events or interactions contribute to its emergence?

Link this lesson’s applicability to your personal journey. How can you incorporate this newfound insight into your own growth and understanding?

Our journey through this reflective journal is a fusion of literary exploration and personal introspection. By melding the words on the page with your own experiences, you enrich your comprehension of the text and cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself. As you embark on this reflective odyssey, envision a dialogue where your insights meld with those of your peers and educators, forming a tapestry of diverse perspectives that enriches our collective understanding.

Section 3: Language and Emotional Resonance

Continuing our journey, we now turn our attention to the language and emotional impact of the text:

Textual Explorations, Analysis & Interpretation:

Identify a passage or piece of dialogue that evokes strong emotions or imagery. How does the author’s choice of language contribute to the overall mood and atmosphere of the narrative?

Examine the use of multiple literary devices, such as metaphors, similes, metonyms, or vivid descriptions. How do these devices enhance your understanding of the characters, themes, or settings?

Delve into the author’s style of writing. Does the prose reflect a particular tone or voice? How does this style enhance the narrative’s emotional depth?

Personal Connections & Introspection:

As we reach the final chapters of the text, contemplate the lasting impact of the ending:

Reflect on your emotional response to the conclusion of the story. How does the author’s language and descriptive techniques contribute to these emotions?

Explain the significance of the final scenes and how they contribute to the narrative’s themes or messages. What lessons or insights can be derived from the characters’ resolutions?

Link your emotional connection to the text’s language and themes to moments in your own life. How does the text’s emotional resonance intersect with your personal experiences and feelings?

Section 4: The Ending of the Literary Work, Its Context, and Lessons

In the culmination of our exploration, consider the broader context of the text’s ending and the lessons it imparts:

Textual Explorations, Analysis & Interpretation:

Analyse the final moments of the literary work. How do the characters’ journeys come to a resolution, and how does this impact your understanding of their development?

Consider the societal and cultural context in which the story concludes. How does the ending reflect the values, beliefs, or challenges of that time?

Reflect on the overarching message or lesson that the author conveys through the conclusion. How does this lesson resonate with the themes explored throughout the narrative?

Personal Connections & Introspection:

As you engage with this reflective journal, envision presenting your insights to a larger audience of peers and teachers:

Imagine sharing your interpretation of the ending with your classmates and educators. How might your perspective contribute to a deeper collective understanding of the text?

Explain the relevance of the text’s lessons or messages to your own life. In what ways can the insights gained from the story be applied to your personal growth and decision-making?

Section 5: Personal Introspection and Meaningful Connections

Our journey through this reflective journal is an opportunity to form meaningful connections between the text and your own life:

Textual Explorations, Analysis & Interpretation:

Reflect on the impact of your exploration on your comprehension of the literary work. How has the structured approach of point-example-explain-link enriched your understanding of the text’s nuances?

Consider the role of interpretation and dialogue in uncovering layers of meaning. How has sharing and exchanging insights with peers enhanced your appreciation of the text?

Personal Connections & Introspection:

As we conclude our reflective journey, embrace the significance of your personal insights and connections:

Summarise the most profound connections you have formed between the text and your own experiences, values, or perspectives.

Reflect on the growth and introspection that this journey has facilitated. How has your engagement with the text enriched your self-awareness and capacity for empathy?

Our collective exploration and dialogue create a symphony of interpretations, each contributing to a richer tapestry of understanding. With each perspective shared, we enhance our grasp of the literary work and illuminate its relevance to our lives. As you navigate through the intertwined realms of literature and personal introspection, you weave a narrative uniquely your own—one that adds depth to both the text and your own journey.

With anticipation of your reflective contributions,

[Your Name]

Reflective Journal: Discovering Stories and Personal Insights CEFR B2

Your JOURNEY begins when you first meet a book and learn important values from it that you can use in your life.

J – Jolt your curiosity and Jumpstart your interest in the novel’s themes and context.

O – Open your imagination to the possibilities the story holds and Organise your thoughts about its potential impact.

U – Unearth your initial impressions and Undertake the exploration of the text’s elements.

R – Read closely and Reflect on the nuances, characters, and themes.

N – Navigate through the literary techniques and Note the deeper meanings and connections.

E – Explain your insights and interpretations, and Engage in discussions about them.

Y – Yield personal connections and Yield broader lessons from the text.


Dear Student,

Welcome to your reflective journal, an exciting journey into the world of literature and self-discovery. Together, we will explore a literary work and uncover its relevance to your own life. Just as an artist creates a masterpiece from threads of imagination, you will weave together words and ideas, connecting them to your own experiences. Through this journey, you will see how literature can shape your understanding of the world and contribute to your personal growth.

In this journal, we will explore the connection between literature and your own life. Use the following approach to enhance your insights:

Point: address the question directly and share your main point.

Example: select a specific part of the text that supports your point.

Explain the significance of the chosen part and its connection to themes, characters, or the context.

Link the text to the context, then your own experiences or perspectives.

Now, reflect on your personal journey:

Personal Growth: Have you experienced personal growth similar to a character’s journey? How did it impact your perspective?

Identity: Have you questioned your identity? What do you think of the text’s exploration of identity?

Moral Dilemmas: Recall a tough decision you made. How do the difficult choices and problems in the story relate to your own thoughts and feelings?

Relationships: How do the text’s insights into relationships mirror your own experiences with relationships?

Social Issues: Has a character’s struggle moved you? How does the story make you feel more understanding and caring towards others (how can you develop empathy)?

Section 1: Opening of the Story

Start by focusing on the story’s beginning. Consider:

What tone do the opening lines set? How does it shape the narrative?

Analyse the setting’s importance. How does it relate to the story’s context and themes?

Identify symbols or imagery. How do they foreshadow deeper layers?

Section 2: Characters and Themes

Now, dive deeper into characters and themes:

Choose an intriguing character. What defines their role?

Explore themes through their experiences. How do their challenges contribute to these themes?

Analyse relationships between characters and broader dynamics.

Section 3: Language and Emotions

Shift your attention to the language and emotions:

Find a passage that evokes emotions. How does language contribute to the mood?

Examine literary devices. How do they enhance your understanding?

Explore the author’s writing style and its impact on emotions.

Section 4: The Story’s Ending and Lessons

Consider the story’s ending and the lessons it teaches:

Analyse the final moments. How do characters’ journeys conclude and impact your understanding?

Relate the ending to the societal context. How does it reflect values or challenges of that time?

Reflect on the overarching lesson and its relevance to your life.

Section 5: Personal Connections

Finally, connect the story to your own experiences:

Reflect on how your exploration enriched your understanding.

Consider the role of interpretation and sharing insights.

Summarise the connections between the text and your life.

This journal is a fusion of exploration and introspection. As you navigate literature and personal reflection, you will enrich your understanding of the text and yourself. Share your insights with peers and educators, contributing to a diverse tapestry of understanding.

Anticipating your reflective contributions,

[Your Name]