If designing a cultural literacy curriculum for creating literature in English for language learners with a focus on dynamic and deep pluri-literacies (see my research), the descriptors could encompass:

CEFR Can-Do Statements of Intercultural Communicative Competence

CEFR Creative ICC Can-Do Statements

CLIL Creative writing activities following a formative action approach


  1. Exploring Cultural Diversity
  • Demonstrate an understanding of diverse cultural perspectives, traditions, and values through the creation of literature. 
  • Engage with literary works from a variety of cultures, including both canonical and contemporary texts, to broaden cultural knowledge and appreciation. 
  • Incorporate elements of multiculturalism, interculturalism, and global perspectives in literary creations. 

2. Investigating Sociocultural Issues

  • Explore and address sociocultural issues, such as identity, race, gender, religion, social inequality, and human rights, through the lens of literature. 
  • Analyze and challenge stereotypes, biases, and prejudices in literary works, promoting social awareness and empathy. 
  • Develop critical thinking skills to examine the intersection of literature, culture, and society. 

3. Intertextuality and Intercultural Connections

  • Create literature that draws upon and reimagines existing texts from diverse cultures, blending literary traditions and exploring intertextual connections. 
  • Foster cross-cultural dialogue and exchange by incorporating multiple cultural references and intercultural themes in literary creations. 
  • Reflect on the ways in which literature can bridge cultural gaps and promote understanding between different communities. 

4. Language and Style

  • Experiment with various literary forms, genres, and styles to express cultural nuances and themes effectively. 
  • Demonstrate proficiency in bilingual language use, leveraging both English and the students’ native language(s) to enrich their literary creations. 
  • Develop a command of figurative language, symbolism, imagery, and other literary devices to deepen cultural and artistic expression. 

5. Authentic Voice and Representation

  • Encourage the authentic voice of bilingual language learners in their literary creations, allowing them to share their unique cultural perspectives and experiences. 
  • Explore the importance of diverse representation in literature, incorporating underrepresented voices and narratives to challenge dominant cultural paradigms. 
  • Promote self-reflection and personal growth through the exploration of identity and cultural heritage in literary works. 

6. Collaborative Cultural Exchange: 

  • Facilitate collaborative projects and discussions among bilingual language learners to foster cultural exchange and dialogue. 
  • Provide opportunities for students to share and present their literary creations within a diverse community, encouraging feedback, understanding, and appreciation. 

These descriptors aim to cultivate dynamic and deep cultural literacy in bilingual language learners by integrating cultural diversity, sociocultural awareness, intertextuality, authentic voice, and collaborative exchange into the creation of literature. It is important to adapt and tailor these descriptors to the specific needs, interests, and linguistic backgrounds of the learners in question, while also considering the educational context and available resources.