Here are 10 concrete collaborative creative exercises that can be done in smaller groups with a plenary exchange session, focusing on language development:

  1. Story Chain: Each group member starts by contributing a sentence to a story. They take turns adding to the story, ensuring it continues in a coherent and imaginative way. In the plenary session, groups can share their completed stories.
  2. Picture Prompt: Provide each group with a different picture prompt. In their smaller groups, students discuss and brainstorm ideas inspired by the image. In the plenary session, groups can present their ideas using descriptive and imaginative language.
  3. Word Association: Give each group a random word. Within their groups, students brainstorm and build upon associations, creating a collaborative word web. During the plenary session, groups can share their word webs, explaining the connections they made.
  4. Role-Play Improvisation: Assign a scenario or theme to each group and have them create a short improvised scene. Encourage the use of creative dialogue and expressive language. In the plenary session, groups can perform their scenes for the class.
  5. Collaborative Poem: Provide a starting line or theme for a poem. Each group member contributes a line or stanza, building a collaborative poem. In the plenary session, groups can recite their poems, paying attention to rhythm, imagery, and figurative language.
  6. Creative Advertisements: Assign a product or service to each group and have them create a catchy advertisement using persuasive language and creative visuals. In the plenary session, groups can present their advertisements, highlighting the language techniques used.
  7. Storyboarding: Groups work together to create a storyboard for a short film or animated story. They use visuals and captions to outline the plot and key scenes. In the plenary session, groups can present their storyboards, discussing the language choices made.
  8. Dialogue Development: Provide groups with a simple dialogue scene. They expand and enrich the dialogue, adding details, emotions, and descriptive language. In the plenary session, groups can perform their extended dialogues, emphasising expressive language.
  9. Invention Challenge: Assign each group with a problem to solve or an invention to create. Within their groups, students brainstorm ideas, discuss the features and functions, and use descriptive language to explain their creations during the plenary session.
  10. Language Showcase: Each group selects a specific aspect of language (e.g., idioms, metaphors, similes) and creates a mini-showcase. They prepare examples, explanations, and engaging activities to teach their chosen language feature to the rest of the class during the plenary session.

These collaborative exercises promote teamwork, creativity, and language development in smaller groups. The plenary exchange sessions provide an opportunity for students to showcase their collaborative work and focus on language use and presentation skills.