These simplified CEFR Creative Writing Cultural Literacy Can-Do statements (language creation & design in diverse cultural contexts as an active skill) might align with the language development expected at each year level, from CEFR Level A1 to C2, providing learners with appropriate opportunities to engage in creative writing and use various thinking processes to enhance their storytelling skills to give evidence of cultural literacy mediating concepts and conceptual thinking. These cultural literacy can-do statements connect with Creative Writing Prompts Personal Growth and have been freely translated for classroom use based on the CEFR Companion by the ©Creative Diamond Collective for creating literature, incorporate thinking processes of metaphorical thinking, analogical thinking, divergent thinking, convergent thinking, deconstruction, construction: 

CEFR Level A1 

  1. I can use my imagination to create simple and imaginative stories in a real or imagined cultural context. 
  1. I can make connections between different things to come up with creative ideas for my writing. 
  1. I can experiment with different words and phrases to make my stories more interesting from cultural context I know. 
  1. I can share my stories with others and listen to their feedback. 
  1. I can engage in basic conversations and use dialogue that reflects cultural nuances and diversity. 
  1. I can understand the basic structure of a story and create simple stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end, and highlight cultural practices, customs, traditions or celebrations. 
  1. I can organise events in my stories using time-order words (e.g., first, then, next) to organise events in stories and establish a coherent storyline. 
  1. I can use descriptive language: Begin using basic adjectives and sensory details to describe people, objects, and settings in stories including elements from different cultures. 
  1. I can introduce dialogue tags and simple conversations to bring characters to life and develop their interaction. 

CEFR Level A2 

  1. I can write stories that include elements of different cultures and perspectives. 
  1. I can think creatively and use comparisons to make my writing more vivid and engaging. 
  1. I can generate multiple ideas and choose the best ones for my stories. 
  1. I can give and receive constructive feedback to improve my writing. 
  1. I can describe settings in more detail, incorporating cultural elements such as landmarks, traditions, or artifacts. 
  1. I can create conflicts and challenges in my stories that arise from cultural differences, promoting empathy and understanding. 
  1. I can develop characters with cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and values, showcasing cultural diversity and appreciation. 
  1. I can use appropriate dialogue tags and punctuation that reflect cultural speech patterns and expressions. to indicate speakers and their actions or emotions. 
  1. I can describe the setting in more detail, incorporating information about time, place, and atmosphere to create a sense of location. 
  1. I can introduce basic conflicts and challenges for characters, leading to simple plot developments and resolutions. 
  1. I can begin to develop characters’ traits and personalities through their actions, thoughts, and dialogue. 

CEFR Level B1 

  1. I can write stories that explore diverse cultures and their values and beliefs. 
  1. I can use analogies and metaphors to add depth and meaning to my writing. 
  1. I can think critically and come up with innovative ideas for my stories. 
  1. I can revise and edit my writing based on feedback to make it better. 
  1. I can incorporate similes and metaphors that include cultural references and symbols, enriching the imagery and connecting to diverse cultural experiences. 
  1. I can create engaging narratives with more complex story structures, incorporating cultural themes, rituals, or historical events. 
  1. I can write from different cultural perspectives, emphasizing the diverse viewpoints and experiences of characters. 
  1. I can allude to cultural traditions, folklore, or historical events to add depth and anticipation to the story. 
  1. I can introduce similes and basic metaphors to add depth and imagery to descriptions and characterisations. 
  1. I can explore more complex story structures, including rising action, climax, and resolution, to create engaging and satisfying narratives. 
  1. I can experiment with writing from different perspectives (e.g., first-person, third-personpoints of view) to develop a deeper understanding of characters and events. 
  1. I can begin incorporating hints or clues early in the story to create anticipation and build suspense for future events (foreshadowing). 

CEFR Level B2 

  1. I can write compelling stories that explore complex themes and cultural perspectives.  
  1. I can use metaphorical thinking and analogical thinking to create vivid imagery and convey deeper meanings in my writing. 
  1. I can generate a variety of creative ideas and critically select the most suitable ones for my stories. 
  1. I can apply deconstruction and construction techniques to experiment with narrative structures and challenge literary conventions. 
  1. I can use symbolism to include cultural significance, reflecting cultural values, traditions, or social issues. 
  1. I can explore and address complex cultural conflicts or dilemmas, promoting critical thinking and understanding of diverse perspectives. 
  1. I can develop multi-dimensional characters with intricate cultural backgrounds, exploring their identities, traditions, and cultural challenges. 
  1. I can create narratives that delve into cultural heritage, intercultural encounters, or cultural identity, highlighting cultural diversity and its impact. 
  1. I can understand and use basic similes and metaphors to enhance descriptions and create imagery in writing. 
  1. I can learn to incorporate sensory details and descriptive language to paint vivid pictures in the reader’s mind. 
  1. I can explore techniques such as direct and indirect characterisation to develop well-rounded and believable characters. 
  1. I can understand plot story: the elements of a story, including exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution, to create engaging narratives. 

CEFR Level C1  

  1. I can write sophisticated stories that examine nuanced sociocultural issues and challenge established norms. 
  1. I can employ metaphorical thinking, analogical thinking, and divergent thinking to create original and thought-provoking literary exemplary extracts. 
  1. I can synthesize and refine diverse sources of inspiration to construct layered and compelling narratives. 
  1. I can design and shape my writing with a deep understanding of narrative techniques, using deconstruction and construction to craft engaging and impactful stories. 
  1. I can incorporate intertextual references to culturally significant works, legends, or historical events, adding depth and richness to the narrative. 
  1. I can explore cultural motifs and archetypal characters that resonate with specific cultural contexts, promoting cultural understanding and appreciation. 
  1. I can use storytelling to critically examine cultural practices, societal norms, or cultural phenomena, fostering reflection and dialogue about cultural issues. 
  1. I can experiment with diverse cultural voices and perspectives, challenging stereotypes and promoting empathy towards different cultures. 
  1. I can explore the use of symbols to represent abstract ideas or themes in storytelling. 
  1. I can incorporate hints or clues early in the narrative to create suspense and anticipation for future events(foreshadowing). 
  1. I can experiment with different narrative perspectives, such as first-person, third-person limited, and third-person omniscient points of view, to shape the reader’s experience. 
  1. I can employ situational, verbal, or dramatic irony to add layers of meaning and engage readers’ attention. 

CEFR Level C2 

  1. I can write masterful stories that demonstrate a profound understanding of complex sociocultural contexts and provoke intellectual and emotional responses. 
  1. I can employ metaphorical thinking, analogical thinking, divergent thinking, and convergent thinking to generate innovative and insightful literary works. 
  1. I can deconstruct and reconstruct literary conventions to create original and transcendent narratives that challenge readers’ perspectives. 
  1. I can design and purposefully shape my writing to convey deep meaning and impact, captivating readers with my refined and polished storytelling skills. 
  1. I can subvert cultural expectations or norms through storytelling, challenging conventional perspectives and promoting cultural diversity and inclusivity. 
  1. I can create narratives that embrace cultural fusion, highlighting the interconnectedness of cultures and celebrating the beauty of cultural diversity. 
  1. I can engage in metafictional storytelling that reflects on the role of culture, literature, or storytelling itself, inviting critical reflection and cultural discourse. 
  1. I can push the boundaries of storytelling by experimenting with new narrative forms and structures that incorporate and explore cultural themes and concepts. 
  1. I can incorporate references to other literary works, historical events, or cultural elements to deepen the complexity and resonance of the narrative (allusion). 
  1. I can experiment with the stream of consciousness technique to portray characters’ thoughts and emotions in a flowing and uninterrupted manner. 
  1. I can incorporate intertextual references and connections to other texts, both within and outside of literature, to enrich the depth and complexity of the storytelling (intertextuality). 
  1. I can push the boundaries of narrative conventions through techniques such as nonlinear storytelling, multiple perspectives, or fragmented structure to create innovative and impactful narratives (narrative experimentation). 

These Can-Do statements might capture the essence of the framework, providing clear and easily understandable expectations for learners at each CEFR-level in terms of their ability to use literary techniques and integrate cultural literacy in their creative writing as interpreted by the ©Creative Diamond Professional Learning Community of English Teachers, 2023.