Frederieke Bannink introduced the concept of Positive Supervision. It is an approach in which teachers adopt a positive and strengths-based attitude when coaching and supporting all students in an inclusive way.

Positive Supervision involves focusing on students’ strengths, talents, and positive qualities, rather than solely highlighting their weaknesses or areas for improvement. It emphasizes recognizing and nurturing the potential in each student. The goal is to create a positive and empowering learning environment that fosters growth, self-confidence, and inclusive excellence.

This approach is essential in teachers’ attitudes because it promotes a constructive and supportive relationship between teachers and students. By focusing on students’ strengths, teachers can help them build on their existing abilities and develop their full potential. It encourages students to believe in themselves and their capabilities, enhancing their motivation and engagement in the learning process.

Positive Supervision also aligns with the principles of inclusive education. It recognizes and values the diverse strengths and talents that each student brings to the classroom. By adopting an inclusive coaching approach, teachers ensure that every student feels respected, included, and valued. It helps create a safe and supportive space for all students to learn and thrive, regardless of their background, abilities, or differences.

In summary, Positive Supervision is an approach that emphasizes focusing on students’ strengths, nurturing their potential, and creating an inclusive and empowering learning environment. It plays a crucial role in teachers’ attitudes by promoting student growth, self-confidence, and inclusive excellence.

As educators, we hereby proclaim that:

  1. We believe in the equal worth and dignity of all our colleagues, regardless of their cultural background, gender, or the level they teach.
  2. We recognize that diversity enriches our educational community and fosters a vibrant and inclusive environment.
  3. We commit to treating all our fellow colleagues with fairness, respect, and empathy, regardless of their differences.
  4. We acknowledge that cultural background, gender, or teaching level should never be barriers to collaboration, support, or professional growth.
  5. We reject discrimination, bias, or prejudice in any form and stand against any actions that perpetuate inequalities.
  6. We celebrate the unique perspectives, experiences, and expertise that our colleagues bring to the table, regardless of their cultural background, gender, or teaching level.
  7. We embrace the opportunity to learn from one another, bridging cultural divides and creating a harmonious community of educators.
  8. We pledge to create a safe and inclusive space where everyone feels valued, heard, and appreciated for their contributions.
  9. We commit to ongoing professional development that promotes cultural competency, gender equity, and inclusivity in our teaching practices.
  10. We aspire to be role models of inclusivity, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment that empowers all educators to reach their full potential.

Together, we affirm our dedication to approaching our fellow colleagues with equality, respect, and inclusivity, regardless of their cultural background, gender, or teaching level. We believe that by embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive educational community, we will create an environment where every educator can thrive and contribute to the collective success of our students and schools.